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Choosing a Puppy according to his/her Energy level

If you already have made the decision to adopt or buy a dog, here below you will find three (3) lists with the breeds categorized by their levels of energy. However, keep in mind that although the breed is important, is also important to interact with those puppies you are interested in to check their behavior before taking them home.

A dog’s energy level is the single most important factor to consider when choosing a dog, says celebrity dog trainer and YouTube star Zak George. 

Here’s how to evaluate a low-energy dog, a medium-energy dog, and a high-energy dog.

Figuring out a dog’s energy level is the easiest way to categorize whether or not a dog is right for you. Of course, there are other factors you might think about such as size, puppy versus an adult, and a mixed breed versus a purebred. However, energy is certainly the most important one.

So, how do you choose a dog based on energy level? We’ll outline the different levels so you can figure out where a dog fits. However, keep in mind that when first meeting many dogs, their energy is likely to be very high due to the excitement of greeting someone new. Make sure you ask the breeder or shelter worker what the energy level of the prospective dog is like during his down time. Also, try to visit the dog multiple times to get a more complete sense of what his personality is like.

Low-Energy Dogs: Level One

Because these dogs lie around most of the time, they make a great companion for a relatively inactive person. These couch potatoes require a few short daily walks, and then they’re happy snuggling next to you for the rest of the day. Low-energy dogs are not typically motivated to learn very advanced tasks, nor are they likely to be impressive athletes. However, they’ll likely make up for it in good behavior, and you won’t have to put in as much effort to train them as you would need to for a higher-energy dog.

How to spot a low-energy dog: Untrained low-energy dogs may wag their tails and come up to you, but they’re usually not the type to incessantly jump. Look for the dog who interacts with people and other dogs but does not engage in sustained, vigorous play. When considering a dog who seems to be low energy, first make sure that you rule out sickness or a recent change in the dog’s environment as the cause of his calmness. That way when you get home you won’t be in for any surprises, like finding out that the dog is actually a little Energizer bunny!

Low energy dog breeds:

In terms of gentler, less active breeds, choose from some of the following (mixed) breeds.

·         Basset Hound

·         Bloodhound

·         Bolognese

·         Bulldog

·         Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Histórico de Ataques de Lobos a personas en España


  En España hay casos documentados (nombre y apellidos, fecha y lugar) de personas depredadas (muertas y comidas) por lobos. Estos lamentables sucesos son la excepción, no la norma. Resulta muy curioso que la fértil bibliografía lobuna española nunca mencione estas predaciones sobre humanos. Solo en Valverde y en cierto artículo de BIOLÓGICA encontramos mención expresa a ello.

Por supuesto, la casuística existente en la realidad es muy amplia : al lobo le han echado la culpa de ataques cometidos por perros; de muerte de reses que en realidad han sido muertas por un pastor necesitado de cambiar su monótona dieta; e incluso de asesinatos y homicidios que en realidad fueron cometidos por personas. En este último apartado resulta paradigmático el caso de Manuel Blanco Romasanta, individuo marginal que vivió en el S. XIX. Llamado "el hombre-lobo de Allariz" (Ourense), afirmaba transmutarse en lobo, lo cual no era sino una mala excusa para intentar zafarse de las consecuencias penales de sus crímenes, cometidos con la finalidad última de robar y convertir la grasa de sus víctimas humanas en jabón, que luego vendía. Condenado a morir en el garrote vil, fue indultado y pasó el resto de sus días en un centro psiquiátrico.

Desde aquí hasta el final de este apartado, seguimos fielmente al citado Valverde.

En principio son 3 las situaciones en las que el lobo ibérico puede suponer un peligro cierto para la integridad e incluso la vida de las personas : 
1) Ejemplar afectado de rabia (o acosado o herido, añadimos aquí). 

2) Hembra en el destete de sus lobeznos (Junio/Julio), cuando agotada por la lactancia, y tras ser alimentada por el macho, necesita volver a cazar para sí misma y sus retoños. 


ENG/SPA Origin of Komodo Dragon Revealed Orígen del Dragón de Komodo)

 WOW!!! Look at this huge Komodo Dragon!!!

English Article:  
A study has found that the world’s largest living lizard species, the Komodo dragon, most likely evolved in Australia and dispersed westward to its current home in Indonesia.

In the past, researchers had suggested the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) developed from a smaller ancestor isolated on the Indonesian islands, evolving its large size as a response to lack of competition from other predators or as a specialist hunter of pygmy elephants known as Stegodon. However, over the past three years, an international team of scientists unearthed numerous fossils from eastern Australia dated from 300,000 years ago to roughly 4 million years ago that they now know belong to the Komodo dragon. 
Picture of Megalania
For the last 4 million years, Australia has been home to the world's largest lizards, including the 16-foot-long giant (5 meters) called Megalania, once the world's largest terrestrial lizard but which died out some 40,000 years ago.

The researchers said the ancestor of the Komodo dragon most likely evolved in Australia and spread westward, reaching the Indonesian island of Flores by 900,000 years ago. Comparisons between fossils and living Komodo dragons on Flores show that the lizard's body size has remained relatively stable since then.  

All these huge lizards were once common in Australasia for more than 3.8 million years, having evolved alongside large mammalian carnivores, such as Thylacoleo, the so-called 'marsupial lion.' The Komodo dragon is the last of these giants, but within the last 2,000 years, their populations have diminished severely, most likely due to humans, and they are now vulnerable to extinction, living now on just a few isolated islands in eastern Indonesia, between Java and Australia.
Dragón de Komodo (Varanus komodoensis)
Artículo en Español:
Un estudio a demostrado que el lagarto vivo más grande del Mundo, el dragón de Komodo, probablemente evolucionó en Australia y se dispersó hacia el oeste a su actual hábitat en Indonesia.

En el pasado, los investigadores habían sugerido que el dragón de Komodo (Varanus komodoensis), se desarrolladó a partir de un pequeño ancestro aislado en las islas


ENG/ESP-VIDEO: Amazing Deep Marine Criatures - (Criaturas Marinas Asombrosas)

English Article:

This National Geographic video shows some bizarre marine creatures living in the deepest part of the seas. Enjoy it!

Artículo en Español:

Este vídeo de la National Geographic nos muestra algunas extrañas criaturas que habitan en las partes más profundas del océano. Espero que lo disfruten!

Comportamiento Agresivo en Perros

Problemas de Comportamiento Canino: Agresión en Perros
La agresión en perros es el problema de conducta más graves que los dueños de mascotas deben tratar y es el problema por el cual más frecuentemente los propietarios consultan a los especialistas en comportamiento animal. Es en gran parte prevenible si el propietario comprende los períodos de crecimiento canino y los factores que influyen en el desarrollo de la conducta agresiva.

Períodos críticos de socialización
El conocimiento de los períodos de crecimiento inicial de los perros ayuda a entender la agresión canina.Los cachorros tienen una necesidad crítica para la socialización de entre tres (3) semanas de edad, que es cuando pueden ver y escuchar, hasta las catorce (14) semanas de edad.

Es mejor comprar cachorros de entre siete y ocho (7-8) semanas de edad para una socialización adecuada en el nuevo hogar.De ocho a diez (8-10) semanas es

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